Top 10 Tips For Backyard Beekeeping
So, You Want To Be A Beekeeper? Whether you want to strengthen the pollinator population in your neighborhood, harvest and se...
So, You Want To Be A Beekeeper? Whether you want to strengthen the pollinator population in your neighborhood, harvest and se...
Have You Ever Wondered How A Queen Bee Lays Eggs? Honey Bee Queens have one very important job in the colony – they mak...
Long Live The Queens! We introduced a mated queen to a nuc at our Nursery apiary. This nuc was a mix of a weak split from our...
5 Easy Steps To Break Down An Apiary We decided to break down our Nursery apiary and take the seven honey bee colonies to our...
Heat Treating For Varroa Mites And Small Hive Beetles Producing local honey from St. Augustine starts with protecting honey b...
Preparing Apiaries For Hurricanes If you are a beekeeper on Florida’s coastline, it is just a matter of time until you...
We started this endeavor to produce local honey from St. Augustine in August of 2018. As we learned more about honey bees and...
Bee Augustine Honey Co. officially launched on January 1, 2019 with plans of providing local residents with St. Augustine hon...
So, You Want To Be A Beekeeper? Whether you want to strengthen the pollinator population in your nei...
Have You Ever Wondered How A Queen Bee Lays Eggs? Honey Bee Queens have one very important job in th...
Long Live The Queens! We introduced a mated queen to a nuc at our Nursery apiary. This nuc was a mix...
5 Easy Steps To Break Down An Apiary We decided to break down our Nursery apiary and take the seven...
Heat Treating For Varroa Mites And Small Hive Beetles Producing local honey from St. Augustine start...
Preparing Apiaries For Hurricanes If you are a beekeeper on Florida’s coastline, it is just a...
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So, You Want To Be A Beekeeper? Whether you want to strengthen the pollinator population in your nei...
Have You Ever Wondered How A Queen Bee Lays Eggs? Honey Bee Queens have one very important job in th...
Long Live The Queens! We introduced a mated queen to a nuc at our Nursery apiary. This nuc was a mix...
So, You Want To Be A Beekeeper? Whether you want to strengthen the pollinator population in your neighborhood, harvest and sell local honey from St. Augustine, or learn more about...
Have You Ever Wondered How A Queen Bee Lays Eggs? Honey Bee Queens have one very important job in the colony – they make honey bees and lots of them! A simple hive inspection...
Long Live The Queens! We introduced a mated queen to a nuc at our Nursery apiary. This nuc was a mix of a weak split from our St. Augustine South apiary and a weak swarm that we ca...
5 Easy Steps To Break Down An Apiary We decided to break down our Nursery apiary and take the seven honey bee colonies to our St. Augustine Shores apiary, where we could better car...
Heat Treating For Varroa Mites And Small Hive Beetles Producing local honey from St. Augustine starts with protecting honey bee hives. Honey bees have many pests, but Varroa Mites...
Preparing Apiaries For Hurricanes If you are a beekeeper on Florida’s coastline, it is just a matter of time until you have to deal with the inevitable; HURRICANES! This was...
Please feel free to contact us via the information below. Follow us on social media for updated information about our honey bees and availabilty for our local honey from St. Augustine.